Chakra Girl Q+A with Celestia French

Q+A: Celestia French, Chakra Girl's first ambassador looks within for guidance.
1. What is something you like to do, just for yourself during the week that no one knows about?
I finally just recently started honoring my natural proclivities toward introversion. So when I have a few minutes to myself I like to read or take a walk outside. But I also relish the moments when I’m in the car solo, so I can blast old skool hip hop at ear shattering decibels. :)
2. What chakra center or centers is/are lighting up for you or are you most resonating with right now and why?
I’ve been studying and working with the chakras for 13 years now, so it’s always interesting to see which centers are “talking to me” more at any given moment. My heart is still tender after my Mom’s passage a year and a half ago. And as a result, I feel like I am working diligently on building a solid foundation with my base three chakras: the root, sacral, and solar plexus. But I feel like they *all* always need particular attention.
3. What are you currently doing or planning to do to help bring it into balance?
I am working on grounding and regaining my sense of safety after such a life changing loss, trying to encourage my creativity that feeds everything I do, and making sure to honor and reclaim my personal power in all settings and relationships. I’m a recovering people pleaser, so my solar plexus chakra work has been instrumental in helping me feel strong, balanced, and capable of handling life’s occasional left curves.
4. What is a favorite recent podcast you have listened to, where you got a great nugget or pearl of wisdom recently? And what was that nugget of wisdom in that moment?
I’ve actually had to take a break from listening to podcasts because I realized that for a long time I was looking outwardly for guidance, when I needed to be tuning inward instead. I love podcasts and books and interviews and myriad other sources of inspiration, but my mind has a tendency to get cluttered and overwhelmed when I constantly direct my attention outward. My current nugget of wisdom is that whichever answers I seek are generally already within me, if I just get quiet and still enough to hear them.
5. What color do you love and most resonate with right now?
All. And none. I love rainbows, but I also love black and white. I wear a lot of black as sort of an energy protective shield since I’m so sensitive to other’s energy. I love white to attract vibrance, light, and levity. But when I need to embody a particular chakra, I wear that color. I gravitate a lot towards red and turquoise if you’re familiar with the chakras, I supposed someone could draw their own conclusions about me. Haha
6. What is a recent song from your Spotify playlist that you have on repeat?
Oh gosh. I live for music. I literally curate playlists for every class I teach, so can’t pick just one song. That’s like asking me to pick a favorite child. BUT if I had to narrow it down to something I’m currently listening to a lot right now, I’d probably have to say “Wrong Side of da Tracks” by Artifacts, “The Best Part” by anamē, or some Vivaldi when I’m trying to focus on work. I’ve got really eclectic musical tastes, and each genre/composer/artist seems to bring out a different aspect myself, or provide the perfect soundtrack for a particular mood or moment.
7. What is your favorite Chakra Girl item and why do you love it?
I LOVE the black and white tie tied long sleeved top and bottom because they are exceedingly comfy and easy to move in. I love that they are my favorite colors to wear (black and white) and feel very heart-centered because of how the pattern is oriented over my heart. I also love the rainbow chakra logo because all of the other chakra colors are represented and because it reminds me of you and our long and beautiful friendship.
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For more of Celestia’s offerings check out her website or follow her on Instagram at @celestiafrench