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How Chakras Changed My Life and Yoga Practice

Introducing our first ever Chakra Girl Ambassador Celestia French, and we couldn't be more thrilled! Read her beautiful and poinent essay on how Chakras 

How Chakras Changed My Life and Yoga Practice by Celestia French

I first heard about the chakras 13 years ago, whilst sitting in a yoga studio for my initial 200-hour yoga teacher training. Already an experienced yoga practitioner, I had decided to gift myself with a teacher training for my 30th birthday, with no intention of ever using it to actually teach, but more as an opportunity to deepen my knowledge of all aspects of yoga. Of course we focused a bit on the asanas, or physical postures associated with the term, which had originally drawn me to the practice of yoga. But during the teacher training, I fell in love with every limb of yoga, the deep and rich history, philosophy, and yoga in its totality. It felt like I was coming home to myself, getting to know myself better and more deeply with each day of lessons. 

One day, we had the privilege of learning about the Chakras from a master teacher from Boulder, CO, named Sarah Patterson. She introduced us to the concept of the Chakras, or the energetic centers within our body, and I was completely fascinated. Here was a complete system that helped identify imbalances within each level of our being–and more importantly, offered practical guidance on how to bring ourselves back into alignment. I had to know more.


I read every book by Anodea Judith (who is arguably the leading purveyor of chakra wisdom in the Western world), and researched other authors, and learned how the system applies to each level of our body, mind, and spirit to bring them into union. I sought myriad resources to understand which yoga postures, foods, essential oils, activities, and other sensory stimuli can help balance each of our energetic centers.

Eventually, when I felt like I had a deep enough understanding of the chakra systems and how to nourish each of these centers individually and as a whole, I began to teach a chakra-based vinyasa class to help share this wisdom in a modernized and relatable way. I curated playlists, essential oils, and crystals to bring for each class. I prepared prompts, postures, and quotes to stimulate and balance each chakra, to offer my students a better understanding of this ancient wisdom, but more importantly, to offer them a better understanding of how to bring themselves back into balance.

Each of my classes offers digestible bits of the profound wisdom found within the chakra system. May we all take even a moment each day to understand ourselves–and those around us–a bit better, so that we can unify our bodies, minds, and spirits…but also remember that we are all part of the same universal consciousness. May we also remember that bringing ourselves back into balance is a powerful way to contribute better vibrational energy or “beingness” into the whole of collective consciousness. And for those ready to take up such a task, the chakra system is a powerful lens through which we can learn how to do just that. 

To learn more about Celestia’s offerings please visit her website at

Celestia French RYT, 500, Instructor of Chakra-based Vinyasa Yoga 

Photography by: Jenny Ballou of Wonderluxe Studio

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